How to create your own layer in deep learning framework CAFFE

This is a post outlining the steps you need to take to create your own layer in CAFFE, a popular framework for writing convolutional neural networks. The post focuses on the latest version of CAFE as of Jan 2015.


  • I use $CAFFEROOT and /caffe/ interchangeably, this is simply the root directory of the caffe installation.

A general and slightly outdated tutorial can be found here (

  1. Create the definition a new class in one of the .hpp files located in $CAFFEROOT/include/caffe/ . In my case, I am writing a customized convolution layer. As a result, I modify the vision_layers.hpp to add a definition of myConvLayer.
  2. Next we need to create a myConvLayer.cpp file in the following path $CAFFEROOT/src/caffe/myConvLayer.cpp .
    1. Implement the virtual methods required of the class. In my case, I needed to implement the required “LayerSetUp”, “Reshape”,”ForwardCPU” and “BackwardCPU”.
  3. Choose a name for your layer and write it in caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto
    1. Find a message called LayerParameter
    2. Find the latest unoccupied number, there should be a comment above the message declaration saying “the next available ID when you create….”, use the smallestUnoccupiedNumber
    3. Add your layer to the LayerType enum, for example, I add “MYCONVOLUTIONLAYER = 38”
  4. If you have completed step 1 and step 2, you should be able to just compile the entire CAFFE directory fine. The next steps will require you to actually write a network and run it to get the protobuf set up right. To do this, I recommend simply use an existing network. I chose MNIST LENET and replaced the convolution layer in (/caffe/examples/mnist_modified/lenet_train_test.protxt). To get it to run with my own set up, I
    1. Created a modified directory(mint_modified) that copies minist in examples.
    2. Change the lent_solver.prototxt to use my own file. CAFFE used hardcoded path, when it should have used relative path to find the training configuration set up.
      1. TYPE = MYCONVOLUTION (depending on your declaration in the protobuf file in the previous step)
    3. Once you are done getting your own layer running within an existing network, it will crash immediately because we haven’t worked on getting
  5. Dealing with protobuf and layer_factory
    1. Now you should see an error massage saying “unknown type 38” from a file called “layer_factory.cpp”. You can find the file at caffe/src/caffe/layer_factory.cpp. The error message tells you that currently CAFFE cannot recognize the parameter specified in the protobuf file “myconvolution”. To do this, you simply need to add a new case statement at the end of “layer_factory.cpp” file.
    2.   case LayerParameter_LayerType_MYCONVOLUTION:return new MyConvolutionLayer<Dtype>(param);
    3. This statement tells the system to use layer_factory to create the class whenever that parameter is being read
  6. The last part is to make sure that your own layers is using the parameters that you want.
    1. An interesting note here is that the parameter has no fixed paring. The way it is specified in protobuf file for example, is nesting a parameter type within a layer type. As a result, you can switch the parameters among different layers. That is I could have used the original convolution_parameter inside MyConvolution layer.
    2. To use my own set of parameter, I went back to caffe/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto file
      1. Define a new parameter type
        1. “myconvolution_param = 42”
      2. Define a new message class
        1. MyConvolutionPoolingParameter { optional uint32 num_output =1; …. }
      3. Then go back to the lenet_train_test.protxt file and set your layer to use the my convolution parameter in myconvolutionpooling layer.
        1. An example layers { name:’myconv1′ type:MYCONVOLUTION; ….. myconvolution_param { num_output: 20 kernel_size ….}}
      4. One last step is modifying the $CAFFEROOT/src/caffe/myConvLayer.cpp to use the my convolution_param. You can access the parameters by coding             “ConvolutionPoolingParameter convpool_param =                                                    this->layer_param_.convolutionpooling_param();”

Now, you have fully functional customized layer with its own parameters! This tutorial applies not only to some modified convolution layer but can be used for any kind of new layer.


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3 Responses to How to create your own layer in deep learning framework CAFFE

  1. Nathiyaa Sengodan says:

    Very useful Post !

  2. Nathiyaa Sengodan says:

    Good one !

  3. kusemanohar says:

    Nice post…will try it…!

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